This April, Breckenridge Grand Vacations is celebrating Earth Month companywide. Partnering with local organizations Minimal Impact and High Country Conservation Center, BGV Sustainability is working to reduce plastic waste by educating our employees about the recycling process, what products can be recycled, and small yet impactful changes employees can make at work and at home to reduce single use plastic in our landfills.  

With “planet” as a primary focus for BGV, we are proud to honor our commitment to the environment year-round. 2023 was a big year for BGV Sustainability, with highlights including:  

  • Snowmelt Mitigation: BGV’s snowmelt system at Grand Lodge on Peak 7 was recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2023 with a Region 8 Pollution Prevention Award! Across all of our resorts, snowmelt systems avoided 16,569 MMBtus of natural gas, saving 776 metric tons of CO2 emissions—the equivalent of powering 184 homes for a year.  
  • Expansion of Electric Vehicle Usage: Electric Vehicle (EV) users soared by nearly 120% to 2,500 in 2023 
  • Waste Diversion: BGV diverted over 300,000 lbs of waste from landfills last year 

We hope you’ll join us in protecting the earth this month, even in a small way. Here are a few ideas:  


BGV was recognized at local and national levels this year and we could not be more grateful to our employees for embracing the culture of giving back.   

Outstanding Business Philanthropy Award from The Summit Foundation

Each year, The Summit Foundation recognizes outstanding community members through its Annual Philanthropy Awards. These awards celebrate and recognize outstanding individuals, businesses, and nonprofits who embrace a culture of giving back and devote their time, talents, and resources to elevate our Summit County community.  

BGV was awarded the 2023 Outstanding Business Philanthropy Award.  This achievement is a true testament to all the work BGV has done for our community for decades and highlights our late owner, Rob Millisor’s philanthropic, community-first legacy. Recent initiatives to strengthen BGV’s company commitment resulted in the establishment of the Community Impact department, a team who is fully devoted to “Doing Well by Doing Good” and creating an impact on local environmental, social, and philanthropic causes.  

This culture of compassion is a direct result of BGV employees championing community service and engagement. From building trails with Friend of the Dillon Ranger District, packaging and/or delivering Smart Bellies meals to local families, donating blood, participating in the annual Rob Millisor Heart Health Walk, and so much more! This strong commitment to our community is the reason why BGV will continue to positively impact the community for years to come. Congratulations to the entire team at BGV who made this GRAND moment possible! 

Friends of the Dillion Ranger District Partner of the Year

BGV proudly accepted the Friends of the Dillon Ranger District (FDRD) Partner of the Year for 2023. This esteemed recognition acknowledges the outstanding collaboration between BGV Gives and FDRD, particularly in their joint efforts each summer to enhance trail systems through multiple forest stewardship projects.  

BGV’s commitment to community engagement shines brightly through initiatives like this, fostering a culture of volunteerism and environmental stewardship among our employees. As a company, BGV provides “Volunteer Time Off,” through which it pays each full-time and part-time employee to contribute at least 24 hours each year to meaningful local causes, with the forest stewardship projects organized by FDRD being a favorite. 

Each year, several departments and individuals within BGV sign up for trail work, taking a break from the resort or office to dedicate a day to trail maintenance. These projects not only contribute to the well-being of the local trail systems but also enhance the outdoor activities that many employees enjoy, including trail running, hiking, mountain biking, backcountry skiing, and walking their dogs. In 2023 alone, over 50 BGV employees worked at one of 4 trail days with FDRD, contributing over 200 hours to the maintenance and preservation of trails at Spruce Creek, just south of Breckenridge.  

This award stands as a testament to BGV’s unwavering commitment to community partnership, environmental sustainability, and the well-being of its employees. 

Snowmelt Efficiency Project at GL7 Recognized by the EPA

In September, BGV was awarded the Region 8 Pollution Prevention Award by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its snowmelt efficiency project at the Grand Lodge on Peak 7. This recognition honors companies who have made significant strides in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. BGV is the only hospitality group to achieve this federal and nationally recognized award in 2023!  

Since this project was implemented in November of 2022: 

  • The Grand Lodge on Peak 7 has saved 500-1,000 metric million BTUs of natural gas per month or 2.6-5.3 metric tons of CO2 per month. 
  • This is the same as planting 3.2 acres of forests in one year. 
  • Natural gas usage dropped by 14%. 
  • These savings were seen during a winter with record low temperatures. 

Jeff Edwards (Energy Programs Coordinator) and Ellen Reid (Director of Community Impact) were interviewed by 9News to talk more about BGV, the company’s mission, and the great work happening at the Grand Lodge on Peak In addition, members from the EPA came to tour the project and property in early November to present the award to the team.  

BGV would not have received this prestigious award without all the hard work from the Sustainability team, the Grand Lodge on Peak 7 Engineering team and other property leaders. Thank you all and a big congratulations to everyone that made this amazing achievement possible! 

Check out the EPA’s Facebook and Twitter posts about the announcement. 

At BGV, we believe that sustainability goes beyond being a mere buzzword; it’s a lifestyle. This is why we were thrilled to host Earth Week for our entire staff this year! From April 21st-28th, employees had the opportunity to attend a series of events focused on sustainability and environmental awareness.

We kicked off the week by teaming up with the High Country Conservation Center for a “Bust the Recycling Myths” event, which helped to dispel common misconceptions about recycling and provided guidance on how to recycle more effectively. This was a fun and interactive event that bounced from property to property and helped increase employees’ awareness about the importance of proper waste diversion. This event put an emphasis on spelling out what happens to recyclables in Summit County once we put them in the blue bin.

One of the highlights of Earth Week was a facilities tour and presentation by Breck Create. This year, we partnered with Precious Plastic, a world-renowned organization that specializes in turning hard to recycle plastic waste into new products. Their demonstration showcased the innovative ways that plastic waste can be upcycled and inspired us all to think more creatively about reducing our plastic usage. BGV employees were lucky enough to see the whole process, from hard to recycle plastic like sleds and patio chairs transformed into carabiners, coasters, earrings, and even a skateboard.

Finally, we hosted a presentation on home energy audits, which provided practical tips for reducing energy use and saving money on utility bills. This was geared towards both homeowners and renters, and it provided a number of resources including rebate opportunities for energy savings upgrades. This presentation was a great reminder of the many ways that we can all make a positive impact on the environment in our daily lives, even through simple and easy changes.

We were thrilled to see such enthusiastic participation from our employees during Earth Week, and we hope that these events will inspire all of us to continue to prioritize sustainability in our personal and professional lives. Together, we can make a difference for our planet and ensure Breckenridge remains unchanged for future generations.

Learn More

As we move into the winter months, we must prepare our homes for the larger energy load they consume. With colder months, we use more natural gas or electricity for heating and lighting our homes. Here are seven low-cost recommendations for helping you save money and energy during the winter season.

  • Dial back your thermostat to 68 degrees. For every degree you set your thermostat back you save 1-3% (depending on the size of your home) on your energy bill. It is more beneficial to wear another layer of clothing or have a space heater for the one room you use the most. You could also consider investing in a smart thermostat. These can help learn your family’s habits when you are in the room. The smart thermostat will then only operate during those times to your desired level of comfort. You may also choose a thermostat that you can program for specific times to provide the same outcomes.
  • At the beginning of fall, you should perform a quick inspection of your furnace to make sure that it is turning on properly. This is done by turning on each thermostat around the house, one at a time, and watching the furnace turn on and off for each zone. Along with this, you will need to inspect the room’s heating source to make sure it is warming up. Furnaces should be inspected annually by a professional to verify the correct levels are being met for gas, intake, and outtake of the system. This will help prolong the life expectancy of your furnace and make sure you do not have any problems during the coming winter months.
  • Reverse your ceiling fans. When reversed, it allows the fan to pull hot air up and push it back down the walls to circulate the air in the room more efficiently. You can do this by turning your fan off and locating the black switch on the housing of the fan. Flip the switch, the fan will know to run in reverse, then turn the fan back on. Do not forget to reverse the fan again in the spring to help push the cold air down for the summer months.
  • Performing an annual inspection of the weather stripping around your doors, windows, and attics is recommended. These are the most common areas for air leaks. Inspect for deterioration or damaged areas. You may also place your hand around the frame when the door, window, or attic is closed to feel for air blowing in or out. Replace the weather stripping when necessary.
  • Get in the habit of closing all blinds and drapes in rooms that are not being used and at sunset. These barriers help add a layer of protection from the cooled windows. Even double pane windows can still be chilly from the low outside temperatures. Insulated cellular blinds (Honeycomb blinds) are the highest recommended blind for forming a sustainable barrier due to their extra built-in pockets. Highly reflective blinds can reduce your heating up to 40% or more. This equates to about a 10% savings on your heating bill.
  • Switch light bulbs to LED. In the winter months we use our lights more often, so this is the best time to switch to LED light bulbs to save an average of $225 per year. Light emitting diodes (LED) use up to 90% less energy and will last up to 25 times longer than a traditional bulb.
  • Make sure vents or floorboard heaters are not covered. If they are, you will be reducing the output of your heating system. This leads to more energy or gas being produced, raises your energy bill and puts a larger demand on the heat exchanger in the furnace leading to a shorter life for your furnace.










Smart thermos

Fan Reverse switch location

Insulated cellular blinds (Honeycomb blinds)



Have you ever wondered if your carton of almond milk is recyclable? Or wondered what it would be like to drive an electric vehicle in the mountains…during winter? The High Country Conservation Center (HC3) is here for you. Here are just a few ways their work helps you and all of Summit County.

Recycle and Compost Like a Pro

We get it – recycling can feel complicated. Fortunately, HC3 has resources to make it easier. During the week, the staff at HC3 is available for all your tricky recycling questions. And their printable guidelines help you make sense of the rules whether you recycle at the curb (or a shared dumpster) or use one of the local recycling centers. They also have maps of local glass and food scrap collection sites.

What about your food scraps? Summit County is lucky to have a free food scrap composting program. And if you don’t already participate…well, what are you waiting for? Sign up online and then drop by the HC3 office for a free bucket to help collect your food scraps.

Help Fight Climate Change

We are a community that cares about doing its part to fight climate change. Our countywide Climate Action Plan set a goal to reduce local carbon pollution 80 percent by 2050. It’s a big undertaking, and we need YOU to get involved. How? Energy use and transportation are the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the county. So, you can help by making your homeor business – more energy efficient, supporting renewable energy, and switching to an electric car for your next vehicle. Or you could ditch the car entirely by riding the bus to work or the slopes. And of course, ask your elected officials – from the local level to the national – to advocate for climate policy.

Get Water Smart

The American West is in the midst of a decades-long megadrought. That’s why HC3 collaborated with local water providers to develop the new Water Smart program. Set to fully launch in 2023, Water Smart will provide water-efficiency training for local landscapers, incentives for improving residential and commercial irrigation systems, and community workshops about the importance of water conservation.

Making Sustainability a Community Value

From peak-baggers and leaf-peepers to powder-hounds and star-gazers, HC3 serves more than 10,000 residents and visitors each year. You could be one of them! Track HC3’s progress by signing up for their newsletter, donate to support their programs, and let them know if you’d like to get involved. HC3 is working to create a healthy planet through local action, and it takes everyone to make that vision a reality.

For more information about HC3, visit their website at High Country Conservation Center.

Retro-fitted Motion Sensor Light Switches Installed

As Breckenridge Grand Vacations (BGV) heads toward its goal of reducing its Green House gas emissions by 50% by 2030, the company is constantly looking for new ways to improve our resorts and office buildings by means of energy efficiencies and energy conservation. The key difference between these two are that energy efficiency is using less energy to do the same amount of work, such as installing an LED light bulb (light emitting diodes); whereas energy conservation is using less energy by doing without the existing energy and turning off lights in areas that are not being used all the time. Many buildings today were built before new energy-saving technology and retrofitting these existing buildings has become the most cost-effective way to help reduce energy consumption and waste.

Recently, the Sustainability Team at BGV worked on an energy conservation project by switching out standard light switches and replacing them with motion sensor light switches located in low-trafficked areas at Lincoln West Mall on Main Street and the Connect Breck offices on Airport Road. These motion sensors use IR (Infrared Radiation), a low-frequency range of light, which scans the area for movement. Once the beam is broken and senses movement by the person entering the room, the switch is activated and makes the operation of the light extremely easy for our employees – hands-free! These motion sensors can be set to various time ranges for how long the light can be left on. Generally, they are set to one minute of no motion being sensed. Some sensors come with an option to read the amount of direct sunlight coming into the room and not turn on during the daytime. After the team’s first trial run with the motion sensor switches, they found them to be successful. BGV’s three resorts are now looking at adding these types of light switching in their “back-of-house” rooms.

A study by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) found that usage of motion sensor light switches can help save up to 60% of the light’s energy usage and reduce energy waste by as much as 68%, depending on the area installed. This leads to large cost savings on energy bills. When these switches are paired with an LED light bulb, even higher savings can be achieved. Breckenridge Grand Vacations looks forward to adapting its light systems with more sensors and keeps working toward its 50% gas emissions reduction goal.


Standard light switch compared to the new motion sensor light switch.

Our sustainability team member hard at work installing the motion sensor light switches…with expert canine supervision!


It was a Colorado bluebird day as more than 500 participants, volunteers, vendor festival representatives, employees, friends and family members walked, ran and enjoyed live entertainment and healthy food during The 7th Annual Rob Millisor Heart Health Walk (RAM Walk) on June 11th at Carter Park in Breckenridge. The event is organized by Breckenridge Grand Vacations’ (BGV) philanthropic program, BGV Gives, in honor of the late BGV owner/developer Rob Millisor. A committed philanthropist and community supporter, Rob passed away from a sudden cardiac arrest in 2015 while on a humanitarian trip to Nepal following a devastating earthquake there that year.

The success of the event can be seen and felt in the outpouring of support from community partners such as The Summit Foundation, Breckenridge Restaurant Association, the Town of Breckenridge, BreckCreate and the Red, White and Blue Fire Department who come together to make this event fun for the entire family. Children’s activities, live entertainment, a 5K trail run and hike and a 1-mile walk around town not only provide the opportunity for some morning exercise, but also the chance to support the Rob Millisor Heart Health Fund at The Summit Foundation. One hundred percent of every dollar raised at the event goes to the Heart Health Fund because Mike Millisor and Mike Dudick, owner/developers of Breckenridge Grand Vacations, cover all the expenses every year.

In 2021, just the sixth year of the event, a landmark $1 million in total funds raised was achieved. The 2022 event added another $185,000 to the fund, the second largest amount generated since 2016 and the event’s inaugural year following Rob’s tragic death just eight months earlier. This year, 33 sponsors contributed $165,750 to the Walk. An additional four sponsors provided $7,000 in trade and in-kind services. Registration fees and donations from participants and supporters added to the final tally.

Grants and sponsorships awarded from the Heart Health Fund are used to support heart health programs, projects, research and equipment as well as nonprofit organizations who provide critical programs and services at the heart of our community. Grant funding is as unique and varied as the organizations that are supported. From purchasing and locating AED units throughout the community through Starting Hearts to supporting the Keystone Science School CATCH Afterschool Program to CPR/DEFIB education to start-up funding for the High Altitude Research Center, funds awarded and programs supported make a difference and save lives. To date, more than $900,000 has been distributed to these and other important community programs.

Minimizing our environmental impact is also important at BGV. The company strives to eliminate as much waste as possible going to our landfill. At this year’s RAM Walk, of the 1,198 pounds of waste generated at the event, only 250 pounds was taken to the landfill representing a 79% diversion rate.

Mark your calendars now and save the date for the 2023 Rob Millisor Heart Health Walk on Saturday, June 10. Donations to this year’s RAM Walk can still be made online at The Rob Millisor Heart Health Walk | BGV Gives.

In April, Pivot Energy announced the signing of a 4.9-megawatt community solar subscription with Breckenridge Grand Vacations (BGV). The contract is one of the largest community solar subscriptions in the history of the hospitality sector and a vital component of BGV’s sustainability initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

For BGV, community solar offers a range of benefits. It boosts our bottom line by providing cost savings and hedging against rising electricity costs. Furthermore, participating in community solar represents meaningful action to address threats to normal operation posed by climate change. The impact of climate change at BGV particularly hits home as shorter snow seasons threaten to deter snow sports enthusiasts who flock to Breckenridge each winter for the legendary snow-capped mountains.

Emily Kimmel, Recycling and Sustainability Manager for Breckenridge Grand Vacations said, “Pivot Energy has been an ideal partner in our efforts to obtain a community solar subscription, both because of their extensive footprint in Colorado and for their commitment to shared values of community wellbeing and environmentalism. Sustainability is of the utmost importance to Breckenridge Grand Vacations, and we are very excited for the opportunity this community solar subscription presents to help us reach our sustainability goals. We look forward to working with Pivot in the months ahead to bring these endeavors to fruition.”

For Pivot, helping clients like BGV traverse their own sustainability journey, and thus bringing the benefits of solar to more communities, is an integral part of meeting their ambitious environment, social and governance (ESG) goals.

Matthew Brenn, Director of Business Development for Pivot Energy, said, “Pivot Energy is proud to be working with a partner like Breckenridge Grand Vacations that is so committed to renewable energy and sustainability. As a Colorado-based company, we have a deep appreciation for the beautiful environment here in our state and take seriously our role to combat climate change and preserve clean air and clean water. We are excited to facilitate a key part of BGV’s sustainability journey and are eager to see what the future holds for our partnership.”

The solar gardens associated with BGV’s subscription are currently under construction, with the first round of projects expected to come online in 2022 and the remaining capacity expected online by late 2023.

April was Earth Month, and our employees took it to heart! Events were planned, initiatives were taken, all for the greater good of Mother Earth. Employees from across the company jumped at the opportunity to get outside or make changes to benefit the sustainability of our operations.

Check out our top five earth month wins!

  1. The BGV Owner Relations Department organized a trash cleanup along Airport Road. Their last two cleanups have resulted in 19 bags of trash which is about 380 pounds!
  2. BGV moved from a physical printed plastic owner card to a digital owner card. This saves us from printing thousands of plastic cards a year.
  3. BGV employees who live at the Moose Landing complex picked up trash along their neighborhood road. Seven bags of trash were collected.
  4. The Breck Inn switched to a paperless check-in, saving them nearly a full ream of paper every week! Not only has this switch saved them paper, but it has also made the check-in process smoother and a more positive guest experience.
  5. On Earth Day itself, the Sustainability Department organized a virtual compost class. A compost professional joined us online and taught us how to start our own compost at home. The High Country Conservation Center (HC3) also stopped by and pioneered a Food Scraps Challenge! HC3 encouraged people to learn about composting in the High Country and to sign up for their Food Scraps Program. The goal was to get 20 new people signed up….we got 16! So close!

We know plenty of people took part in Earth Month and we are so proud of these examples and initiatives coming from our own employees! It speaks volume that many of these were self-driven events and organized by folks in many different departments. We want to thank our employees for being so amazing and for showing that they care about this place where we live and play, and that owners and guests come to enjoy! 


Every year on April 22nd, people gather all around the world to celebrate a very special holiday – Earth Day. This event has been recognized since 1970 and promotes awareness of a multitude of environmental issues on a global scale. Annually, this recognition has a different Earth Day theme and this year’s theme is Invest In Our Planet which will center on “accelerating solutions to combat our greatest threat, climate change, and to activate everyone – governments, citizens, and businesses – to do their part”. (EDO) also encourages Earth Day observers to “recognize our collective responsibility and to help accelerate the transition to an equitable, prosperous green economy for all” according to press materials EDO sent, Green Matters, ahead of the public announcement. “For Earth Day 2022, we all need to come together,” Kathleen Rogers, President of EDO, tells Green Matters exclusively in an email.

Companies around the world understand that a real shift needs to be made to make a difference in our communities and on a larger scale. As pioneers in sustainability, Breckenridge Grand Vacations (BGV) is focusing on the triple bottom line to measure success and encouraging others to get on board. This means we are taking people, planet and prosperity into account when making each and every decision. By doing so, we are committing to the health of our community and our world every single day. At BGV, we celebrate Earth Day every day. What can you do to Invest In Our Planet? Join BGV and EARTHDAY.ORG in this movement and learn all the ways you can get involved here: Earth Day: The Official Site | EARTHDAY.ORG.